To paraphrase some thoughts spoken at our Sunday Relief Society Meeting (women's meeting), "Service is not always going to be spending the whole morning baking bread and walking it over to someone then spending the whole afternoon watching their kids or helping them around the house; although some days it may be." Most of the time, service is the little things.
Here are some ideas I have had of ways to serve or things I have done that work for me:
1. Drop by some of my excess food: apples, pears, zucchini or whatever I want to share and if I can, include a simple favorite recipe, like crockpot apple butter.
Be Honest, this looks gross. But it tastes and smells so good after cooking down for 24 hours.
2. Send someone a text that you are thinking about them. It could be your brother that lives three states away or a good friend that moved that you miss. Let them know you are thinking about them. For example, I was taking a walk in the park with the kids and remembered the time we went there with my brother and had to text him to let him know we remembered that day. I was in that same park a couple of months later and saw some moms talking while their kids played and remembered many days, my friend, Nicky, and I would get together and talk while our kids played so I texted her right then and there. I find that if I wait to text or call I forget.
3. Pray for them you never know who is praying for you. Secret be, there are certain neighbors of ours whom my kids often pray for individually. Know you are loved more than you can know, We hope our prayers are helping in some way.
4. If you get a good deal on something, like diapers or chocolate, think about who could use some or both and drop it by.
That's it for now. What ways of serving work for you? Or in what ways have others served you?